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Spain Spain



Information, guides and services for people living in or moving to Spain. Information in this section is also useful for Spanish nationals living abroad.

Guides and information for Spain

Introductions and services for Spain


What expats say about our experts

Just got me to the right person in the quickest possible time with the minimum of fuss and great follow-up.

Nicholas Y.

Canadian Financial Advice introduction in United Kindom

Excellent responsiveness from both site and chosen consultant. Initial consultation suggests they have experience with my specific, complicated situation - which has been difficult to find from my own research.

Tim G.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim introduction in United Kingdom

I found the expert I was looking for and received excellent service.

Patrick N.

Investment Advice introduction in United States

The consultant who contacted me was extremely helpful and went out of her way to get advice from someone else to answer my particular question.

Elizabeth S.

Pensions, QROPS introduction in United Kingdom

I had a very rapid response from both experts for expats & the partner & the information I needed was in the initial email & didn’t need further inquiries. But I was very impressed by their rapidity, expertise in giving me the necessary information. I will get in touch again if need be & will definitely give their references to others in need of such expertise!

Ann B.

UK Tax Return introduction in France

I am always anxious about following up on offers such as this because it may result in being bombarded by unsolicited emails. This did not happen and the service was what was promised. Quick, efficient and easy to use 

Pauline M.

Wills introduction in Cambodia

To be honest the service has been exceptional and the Experts for Expats partners have been very good in their response and help so far. I’d definitely recommend your web service.

Michael M.

UK Tax Return introduction in United Kingdom

Very good service, easy to use, straightforward, very generous appointment with excellent advice. Will certainly come back when time is right to take action.

Terrhi H.

Inheritance tax and estate planning introduction in United Kingdom

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