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United Kingdom United Kingdom

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Essential information and services for British citizens moving abroad, British expats and also foreign nationals living in, or moving to, the United Kingdom.

Guides and information for United Kingdom

Expat Tax

Introductions and services for United Kingdom

Request an introduction to a specialist

If you would like to speak to someone directly, we have a number of specialist partners that can assist with a wide range of UK and international matters for British expats and foreign nationals.

Once you've made your request for an introduction, within 24 hours you will be connected to an expert who will be able to assist you.


What expats say about our experts

The speed of response, the overall professionalism of the consultant and the ease with which business was conducted.

Philip H.

Pensions introduction in Georgia

The referral by Experts for Expats led me to a couple of advisers that provided exactly what I required. The adviser clarified what would be best for me as an individual with limited understanding of pension transfer implications and confirmed that I was correct in stepping away from what had been put in front of me by previous cold-callers.

Mark S.

Pensions introduction in North America

In my particular case the referral was very speedy., the advisor was very confident, had relevant qualifications and knowledgeable about the legislatives framework and the in relevant jurisdiction and products was clearly up to date with a good fit

Neil B.

Pensions introduction in Australia

I was positively surprised at how easy and honest the whole process was. There wasn't any pressure to pay for anything I didn't want to, or sign up for an ongoing relationship - just straightforward, honest advice. If only all advisory services were as smooth as this! 

Alexander C.

Irish Tax introduction in United Kingdom

I found the initial response from both Experts for Expats and the Consultant to be excellent. Since I am already abroad the consultant arranged the consultation via Zoom. It proved possible to resolve my issue within the initial consultation. It was however apparent that the consultant has the necessary knowledge to assist further if this becomes necessary. In that case I will not hesitate to contact the same consultant again.

Ian B.

Statutory Residence Test, UK Tax Return introduction in Tanzania

We have been struggling with the complexity of the immigration process to the UK. Experts for Expats referred us to a tax accountant who was very responsive and in just a few minutes clarified many of our questions and gave us some peace of mind regarding at least that part of the process. We are very pleased and will continue to use the site and the referred accountant as we continue to navigate the process.

Lolin G.

Cross border tax planning introduction in United States

Exceeded my expectations because of this I feel confident to use fee paying services. Thank you.

Matthew E.

Capital Gains Tax introduction in New Zealand

Super quick and provided all the advice I needed - my experience completely exceeded my expectations. Particularly useful service when you’re an expat without all the contacts and understanding that you take for granted in your home country.

Rachel B.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim, Inheritance tax and estate planning introduction in United Kingdom

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