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Property Property

United Kingdom

Property management and mortgages

Experts for Expats has been featured in...

As a UK property seller living abroad am I liable for ‘sneaky stealth taxes’ such as CGT? - As a UK property seller living abroad am I liable for ‘sneaky stealth taxes’ such as CGT? - click to see article
Saga - Want to retire in the EU? What could the future hold for you? - click to see article
23% of British expats set to sell UK property - 23% of British expats set to sell UK property - click to see article
BBC Breakfast - Expats in Cyprus having issues with UK bank accounts - click to see article
Telegraph - Retiring Abroad Article - We wanted one more adventure’ – the Britons who retired to their favourite holiday destinations - click to see article
The Times - Thousands of retiring Britons vote for Brexodus - click to see article


What expats say about our experts

Super quick and provided all the advice I needed - my experience completely exceeded my expectations. Particularly useful service when you’re an expat without all the contacts and understanding that you take for granted in your home country.

Rachel B.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim, Inheritance tax and estate planning introduction in United Kingdom

Great Service! I was worried that I would be opening myself up to endless marketing emails and calls. This was not the case at all. A thoroughly professional service.

Paul E.

US/UK dual tax matters introduction in United States

Great service that connects you to people who can help to cut through complicated issues.

Sandy D.

Pensions introduction in United States

I found the initial response from both Experts for Expats and the Consultant to be excellent. Since I am already abroad the consultant arranged the consultation via Zoom. It proved possible to resolve my issue within the initial consultation. It was however apparent that the consultant has the necessary knowledge to assist further if this becomes necessary. In that case I will not hesitate to contact the same consultant again.

Ian B.

Statutory Residence Test, UK Tax Return introduction in Tanzania

Moving to a new country with all the different tax / pension rules can be daunting. Not only do I now understand our options but also that we are in a much better position for our retirement than we thought we were. A big relief. Thank you. 

Jeremy, G.

Pension transfer, Retirement planning introduction in United States

Connected me with a great US tax advisor who had exactly the expertise I needed.

Max J.

US Tax Return introduction in United States

I appreciated the whole Introductory process. It was fast, efficient (lots of feedback) and professional. My query was answered by the recommended company within the 15 minute time frame. I have kept the accountant's name and contact details on record for future reference. This was a great way to locate a professional from a long way away. I am sure I will use the company again in the future.

Gail B.

UK Capital Gains Tax introduction in South Africa

Experts for Expats were quick to answer my response professionally. Their expert was very knowledgeable.

Alun B.

Capital Gains Tax introduction in Canada