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Returning to the UK Returning to the UK

Information for British Expats

British Expats Returning to the UK

With major geo-political and social events including Brexit and Covid-19, many British expats are now considering returning to the UK to live permanently.

We have collated articles, services and guides that will help provide you with the information needed to ensure your return to the UK goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

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What expats say about our experts

I really appreciate what this website seeks to achieve as tax affairs are often complicated enough even without COVID complications. The consultant you provided was from a firm that Deloitte had also recommended which reinforced that they would be reliable and be able to provide a quality service.

Shanveer H.

UK Tax Matters introduction in United Kingdom

Super quick and provided all the advice I needed - my experience completely exceeded my expectations. Particularly useful service when you’re an expat without all the contacts and understanding that you take for granted in your home country.

Rachel B.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim, Inheritance tax and estate planning introduction in United Kingdom

Very good advice, very professional and knew the subject matter in depth.

Ian M.

Pensions introduction in United States

I am very pleased with the speed and quality of information I received from Expert from Expats. It’s wonderful to have all information you need in one place, thank you for providing this service. You will never noticed how much research you need to do until you are in an expat situation and this website offers all you need.

Marcela B.

UK Tax Return introduction in United Kingdom

I was impressed with the speed of service and the warm and friendly nature with which it was delivered. I will probably need paid advice in the near future depending upon circumstances

Peter J.

UK Tax Matters introduction in United Kingdom

A very knowledgeable consultant gave me a thorough explanation of the issues involved, which was extremely helpful.

Warren B.

UK/US Tax introduction in United Kingdom

Dealing with financial issues from overseas is stressful and difficult. You take away that stress.

Darren C.

Tax introduction in Japan

Although my personal situation and circumstances are a bit complicated Alan was very professional and took the time to understand the various issues and concerns. He's come back with some things for me to consider after which I'll make some decisions about how to proceed.

Gordon. H

Pensions, SIPP introduction in Canada