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United Kingdom United Kingdom

United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Essential information and services for British citizens moving abroad, British expats and also foreign nationals living in, or moving to, the United Kingdom.

Guides and information for United Kingdom

Expat Tax

Introductions and services for United Kingdom

Request an introduction to a specialist

If you would like to speak to someone directly, we have a number of specialist partners that can assist with a wide range of UK and international matters for British expats and foreign nationals.

Once you've made your request for an introduction, within 24 hours you will be connected to an expert who will be able to assist you.


What expats say about our experts

Response was quick and the advice given in 15 minutes was concise, understandable to a layman and useful. I also liked the fact there was no hard sell for follow up paid consultations. As much advice as possible was given in the time frame with a simple "get back to us" if you want to take it further in the future. Excellent service with no pressure to commit. As a result, when I do need to need their paid support, I'll have no hesitation.

Gary R.

UK Capital Gains Tax introduction in Singapore

Excellent service, well managed, timely and followed up to ensure being serviced. Very good experience.

Ian M.

Investment Advice introduction in Qatar

A quick response and very happy with the consultant that was recommended

Jill P.

Investment Advice introduction in United Arab Emirates

Our consultant was very professional but listened. He then made an effort to speak in clear language and make easily understood recommendations.

Peter J.

UK Tax Return introduction in Canada

The speed of response, the overall professionalism of the consultant and the ease with which business was conducted.

Philip H.

Pensions introduction in Georgia

Very good advice, very professional and knew the subject matter in depth.

Ian M.

Pensions introduction in United States

What is so good about the advisor you pointed to is that he has extensive knowledge of both France and the UK, so he understands the financial set-up in both countries. I also liked him immediately when we met on Zoom for the first time. He grasped my situation and my priorities very quickly. If I have any reservation it is that he didn't always acknowledge and respond to my emails, but I do know that this is a crazy time for advisors with the Brexit deadline.

Alison D.

Assurance Vie introduction in United Kingdom

The expert was very friendly, helpful and precise in answering my questions on the rules on residence and domicile, and their effects on tax status, for UK-US dual citizens like myself and my wife. I was stimulated to confirm the salient points on Gov.UK. This has allowed us to plan our future stays in the US and UK. 

Donald T.

UK/US Tax matters introduction in United States

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