Split Year Treatment: Can it reduce your UK tax exposure?

A comprehensive guide to Split Year Treatment and how it can help protect internationally mobile people from paying tax on their worldwide income in the UK.

  • Author Experts for Expats
  • Country United Kingdom
  • Nationality British, Everyone
  • Reviewed date

If you have been a tax resident of the UK for some of the tax year, but for the remainder you were considered a UK non-resident you may be able to split the tax year into two parts and therefore only be liable for UK tax in the part you were considered a tax resident rather than the whole year.

In the UK, you would normally be considered a tax resident in the UK if you meet the criteria set out in the Statutory Residence Test. Under UK tax rules anybody who is tax resident in the UK is required to pay tax on their worldwide income and capital gains to the HMRC.

The major benefit to expats and non-UK citizens is significant if part of the tax year is spent in a country that has favourable tax rules, such as the UAE where you are not required to pay tax on your income.

For working expats, it is very common to be required to move abroad part way through the tax year either with their existing employment or for new work that requires them to live abroad. While there are many considerations that will determine when or where somebody works, the tax scenarios should not be ignored, and you may wish to investigate whether you would benefit from one of the scenarios that split year treatment can offer.

Careful tax planning when you have international mobility considerations can significantly reduce your tax burden in the UK and other countries. This article provides an overview of the UK's Split Year Treatment and how it might help you reduce your UK tax exposure, however it is written as a guide only and should not be used to make a decision.

If you would like to speak to a tax residency specialist, we can connect you with one of our trusted UK tax partners >

Conditions when split year treatment may apply

There are six scenarios where split year treatment may apply, and we have looked at these in order of commonality below.

Split year treatment: conditions for UK leavers

The first three conditions specifically deal with people who were considered tax resident of the UK at the start of the tax year (i.e. on 6th April of any given year):

Split year treatment: conditions for people arriving in the UK

If you begin the UK tax year as a non-resident, and were considered UK non-resident for the previous tax year and move to the UK during the tax year, you may be able to qualify for split year treatment using any of the following conditions:

How to plan your tax residence status more tax efficiently using Experts for Expats

Knowing and planning your UK tax residence status is vital to ensure that you are not overpaying - or underpaying - UK tax and help you correctly apply Split Year Treatment to your situation.

Requesting help from one of our trusted UK tax partners will ensure you know your UK tax residence status and enable you to create a plan to minimise your exposure to UK tax through legitimate tax planning, including the application of Split Year Treatment.

Our free introduction service includes a free initial consultation with a UK tax specialist who can help you:

Reducing the stress and complexity of living abroad

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