SIPPs and International SIPPs introduction
International SIPPs are UK based pension schemes which are designed for people who no longer live in the UK, primarily British expats. Much like regular SIPPs, international SIPP providers must be regulated by the FCA. While there is little difference between regular SIPPS and International SIPPS, an international SIPP may offer wider currency options as well as access to more international investment opportunities.
To learn more about SIPPS and options for expats, please read our article: SIPPs explained for British expats
When you no longer live in the UK, there may be other investment options available to you, while there also might be different tax treatments in your country of residence.
SIPPS may offer significant cost savings, as with any pension and retirement planning it is vital that you know what you are doing before proceeding with any major financial decisions. If you are considering transferring a pension into a SIPP, especially if you live abroad, it is our recommendation that you always seek formal advice from a qualified professional to ensure you have all the information available.
We have compiled this list of International SIPP providers to provide an example of the options available for people who live outside of the UK. There may be alternatives available which we have not included. This list does not constitute advice or recommendations in any way, if you are in any doubt about whether to open an account, you should seek advice from an independent advisor who is suitable qualified and regulated to give financial advice before proceeding. We do not receive payments of any kind from the products listed below.
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