Rather than waiting until you're about to travel to arrange your travel insurance, you should purchase travel insurance as close to when you made your booking as possible—ideally on the same day. This ensures you are covered if your travel plans get re-arranged or cancelled due to unforeseen events.
If you have a travel plan which you purchased before you moved abroad, you must read the small print, as it is unlikely to provide cover for your travels once you have moved abroad.
This list of travel insurance companies does not constitute advice or recommendation in any way. If you are in any doubt about whether to take out a policy you should seek advice from an independent advisor who is suitably qualified and regulated to give travel insurance advice.
We are not providing a comparison of these products, we're simply listing them as options available to you. There are other firms providing travel insurance for expats and you should always ensure you have researched and chosen your insurer based on your own personal needs and circumstances.
We may receive payment from the firms listed if you open an account. This is known as an affiliate link and is indicated with a * next to the company name.