£13bn pensioner bonds become the largest selling financial product in history
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As of midnight 15th May, Pensioner Bonds were withdrawn from the market.
Announced in April 2014 and introduced in January 2015, Pensioner Bonds have gone on to become the biggest selling financial product in British history.
In the four months they were available, over £13bn was invested in the bonds which ranged from 2.8% for a one year bond and 4% for a three year bond.
The figures reveal that over 650,000 pensioners made the decision to purchase the bonds, which smashed the current high street interest rates.
As yet, it is unclear how many pensioners investing live abroad, but our sources indicate that a decent percentage bought the bonds.
Now that the stampede is over, pensioners are once more looking for ways to invest savings to beat the high street interest rates.
Currently in the UK, ISAs still remain one of the more popular options, with the tax free nature meaning that the return on investment gets close to the rates of return on the pensioner bonds.
For expat pensioners who either missed out or are now looking for alternatives, it’s recommended that you speak to an independent financial adviser to discover what opportunities are available to you.