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Tax Tax



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Request an introduction to a trusted French tax specialist

Our free introduction service will connect you with a hand-picked French tax consultant that has the required qualifications and experience to assist foreign nationals living in France with French tax affairs.

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What expats say about our experts

Excellent service from start to finish. Would definitely recommend.

Nick S.

UK CGT introduction in United States

Your website and immediate response to my enquiry immediately gave me the re-assurance that my tax enquiry would be handled professionally. The partner provided clear and concise advice on what was not a straightforward tax matter. It was finalised within eleven days of the first enquiry which included out of hours contact and managing the eleven hour time difference between Australia and Scotland.

Robert M.

UK Tax Advice introduction in Australia

Excellent responsiveness from both site and chosen consultant. Initial consultation suggests they have experience with my specific, complicated situation - which has been difficult to find from my own research.

Tim G.

UK Tax Return, Double tax relief claim introduction in United Kingdom

So good to talk to someone with professional experience of expat issues without having to shop around to find someone first.

Gillian B.

Wills introduction in Germany

Quick response, and follow up from the connection that was made - which was professional and trustworthy 

Sarah B.

Uk Tax Return introduction in Netherlands

The consultant gave sound and relevant advice without trying to sell me services. His advice gave me the information and approach for my next step. He advised I try myself but made it clear he could help further if I needed it - and as precise and clear about the cost of using his services for the next step. Couldn't have been better.

Ivor M.

Double Tax Relief introduction in Portugal

Although my personal situation and circumstances are a bit complicated Alan was very professional and took the time to understand the various issues and concerns. He's come back with some things for me to consider after which I'll make some decisions about how to proceed.

Gordon. H

Pensions, SIPP introduction in Canada

Quick and first consultation free without commitment in case you didn’t find it useful. Avoids having to search for experts online that you may/may not trust.

Leila G.

Double Tax Treaty introduction in Germany